Lieutenant JG Leya Targarian

Name Leya Alice Targarian

Position Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG


  • 1 Mission Posts

Last Post

11 Jan 2017 @ 5:16am

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 23

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4
Weight 136
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description She has stormy grey eyes that seem to change color in certain lighting. As tall as she is at 5'4 Leya is built as a Fighter so most of the weight on her is muscle. Her hair is kept back in a simple braid most days or even a very tight bun for when she is in dress uniform. Leya has no scars or marks on her face, thought a few stretch marks under her arms. She also wears a silver dollar coin on a necklace at all times on her person.


Spouse NA
Children NA
Father Jensen Targarian
Brother(s) Jacob Targarian (7)
Sister(s) NA
Other Family NA

Personality & Traits

General Overview Personal History:
Born and raised in Bronx New York. She is the oldest sibling out of two. Her father works as a construction worker during the day and at night he is a single father. She applied to Star fleet and a few other places, mostly trying to pass time waiting to get accepted into Star fleet. She left home a few days after her youngest siblings 7th birthday.
She is very close to my family and will stand up for them no matter who is talking about them. She will cause a lot of fights if anyone says something bad about her family.

She is addicted to anything with caffeine in it, mostly sodas and energy drinks. On normal days shecan go through 20 cans. On stressful days (likes tests and such) its over 40 cans.
She wears a necklace or rather wear a necklace that is a simple leather strip with a coin attached.
Strengths & Weaknesses Flaws:
Drinks a crap ton of caffeine all the time.
She has a thick accent at times.
Also she has a no fear of anything except being told she is disappointing someone

Very protective of her friends.
Will always volunteer just about anything.
Ambitions to travel to places no one has ever gone.
Hobbies & Interests playing music and drawing. And being with friends


Personal History has ADD and ADHD which she has battled since she was a child. She hates going to the doctors and is usually forced by someone dragging her.
She believes that she can just push through it and it will go away (this being due to how she grew up in a poor family). She will mostly refuse going to the sickbay unless it will cost her, her job.

She has a knowledge of lots of animals and different random facts.