The year is 2391. A Federation civil war is on the horizon. Choose your side wisely.


In 2390 Federation President G’ath was assassinated during the christening ceremony of the USS Redemption, the new flagship for the United Federation of Planets. The maiden voyage of the Redemption sought to locate and apprehend G’ath’s assassins, but instead, Captain Ashcart and his crew unearthed a conspiracy so deep that it rocked the United Federation of Planet’s to its core.

The year is now 2391 and the Federation is sitting on a knife-edge. A civil war is looming between those loyal to newly elected Federation President, Elesa Zal, and those rogue elements operating in the shadows to topple the Federation Council as we know it. The “Sixth Fleet” has defected from Starfleet and now operates under an independent banner of hostility and destruction; the “Confederacy of the Underdark” seeks independence for the planet of Andor, willing to achieve this aim by any means necessary; and the “Kaal Taan” is a Bajoran terrorist organisation intent on reversing the recent admission of Bajor into the Federation.

Elsewhere in the galaxy, the Romulan homeworld has been devastated by a new race of beings known only as the “Ee”. Romulan Praetor Sahrin has forged an uneasy alliance with his counterparts in the Alpha Quadrant, beginning a new era of cooperation between the Romulan people and the Federation. 

The Redemption’s mission is to enforce peace within the Federation and to extend an arm of friendship beyond its borders. If you feel you have what it takes to serve on board the Federation flagship, register your interest using the “join” link on this page. Captain Ashcart is waiting to receive your communiqué.























Writer of the Year, '16 Area 51 (Theta Fleet)

XO of the Quarter (Theta Fleet)Writer of the Quarter (Theta Fleet)Writer of the Quarter, 4th Quarter '16 (Theta Fleet)

Unit of Distinction Silver April '16 - Theta Fleet Area 51Unit of Distinction Bronze May '16 - Theta Fleet Area 51Unit of Distinction Silver July '16 - Theta Fleet Area 51Unit of Distinction Silver November '16 - Theta Fleet Area 51Unit of Distinction Bronze December '16 - Theta Fleet Area 51

Player of the Month April '16 - Theta Fleet Area 51Player of the Month November '16 - Theta Fleet Area 51

Writer of the Month May '16 - Theta Fleet Area 51Writer of the Month July '16 - Theta Fleet Area 51Writer of the Month August '16 - Theta Fleet Area 51Writer of the Month December '16 - Theta Fleet Area 51




Latest News Items

» Site Migration

Posted on 30 Dec 2021 @ 12:28pm by Lieutenant Commander Magdalena "Maggie" Doyl in Website Update

Hi, everyone! will be expiring in March. To that end, I've migrated the site to Both sites use the same database, just the files and URL are different. :)

Please change your bookmarks.



» Out and Present Now

Posted on 07 Apr 2020 @ 1:12am by Lieutenant Mikail Kolmak in General News


Hope everybody is doing okay in this chaos world we live in now. Sorry I've been away as I had trouble with getting internet (terrible service) and using my phone to teether my computer for internet.

I'm an essential worker (post office distribution) as I have to be out working with a mask and gloves in this crazy world. I am in Vermont so I'm about 2 hours from the state of New York and 4 hours to NYC where the hardest hit of the virus. Just feels unreal. I am being cautious and hope everybody stays safe. I've…


Posted on 09 Jan 2019 @ 9:33pm by Lieutenant Kaden Son of Martok in General News

Good day everyone, I just joined the sim and am open to jps with anyone Hit me up, I'm flexible

» A new mission begins!

Posted on 06 Jul 2018 @ 12:38am by Captain Gabriel Barron M.D. in General News

I have officially ended "An Errand of Mercy" and are beginning "Empty Creche" It's been two years and three months since we decided to reopen the Redemption and I have to say I am damned proud of all of you. Those that were here for the very first post all those many years ago on the yahoo groups list to the newest members of our fine group of writers. Over the past two years, we have written many entries in the life of our ship and I'm looking forward to many more!


» Happy New Year!

Posted on 01 Jan 2018 @ 12:51am by Rear Admiral Azura Ashcart in General News

Greetings all!

I think I speak for Rhyan when I say I wish you all a very happy New Year and hope that the next year will be enjoyable and prosperous for you all. I also hope that the zeal for writing that has picked up in December bodes well for 2018!

My plan to have Errand of Mercy completed by 2018 looks to be a bit over ambitious. I will want to take about two weeks off after we get the current episode completed.



Latest Mission Posts

» New Assignments

Mission: Voices from the Dark
Posted on 13 Jan 2025 @ 3:11am by Fleet Admiral Sho'Thor & Captain Gabriel Barron M.D.


Sho'Thor sat behind his desk, the desk he had grown tired of all those years ago when he decided to retire. He placed his hand on the desk and rubbed his palm over the highly polished wood. He picked up a PADD pressed his thumb to the reader and moved it to the out box on his desk. One thing about bureaucracy, there would always be paperwork. He watched as the overhead projector updated the location of the Federation's forces and the projected fighting power of the 6th fleet. They had lost another, with the loss of the Atonement…

» Nightmares and longing

Mission: Voices from the Dark
Posted on 13 Jan 2025 @ 2:35am by Rear Admiral Azura Ashcart



Keisha sat on the edge of the bathtub in her quarters, glaring daggers at the cozy bed just outside as she took various ornaments out of her hair. That bed had been her nemesis for quite some time, sleep either elusive or interrupted by vibrant nightmares. Initially, the scent of Azura on the sheets had reduced her to broken weeping, now she may just weep from exhaustion. The brush hissed through her alabaster hair gently, and she chewed her lip absently while she thought.

Azura paced the living room, his eyes flitting between the door to THEIR bedroom…

» After mission Jubilee

Mission: Voices from the Dark
Posted on 16 Aug 2024 @ 8:24am by Lieutenant Commander Magdalena "Maggie" Doyl & Captain Gabriel Barron M.D. & Lieutenant Colonel Cassandra Blackburn & Lieutenant Colonel Keisha Afton & Lieutenant Commander Geraldine "Geri" Severide & Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn & Lieutenant Mikail Kolmak & Petty Officer 1st Class Lia McCarthy


Barron had called all senior staff who were able to join to report to his mess for a 0730 breakfast. He wanted to start a new tradition on ship where all senior officers had at least one meal with him. He wanted these meals to be informal affairs which is why he took his uniform jacket off and only wore his crimson undershirt. He moved to the buffet table that was laid out before him and picked up a plate pulling various protines from the assembled food and placing them on his plate.

Sarah arrived early; dressed in her…

» Necessary Surgery

Mission: Empty Creche
Posted on 12 Sep 2022 @ 5:04pm by Lieutenant Mikail Kolmak & Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn


Sarah arrived back at Sick Bay after ensuring her belongings were settled in her quarters and went look for the Doctor.

"Hey Doc, I'm not a fan of waiting so lets get this issue with my spleen fixed quickly?"

"The nurses will get you prepped. Have a seat on this biobed," Mikail pointed. "Any questions before I leave to change my outfit?"

She looked at Kolmak and smiled. "Only question is how easy will I have to take it post-op?"

"About a few days," he responded.

"Understood, Doc. I will do my best but no promises on the ship…

» The End is Neigh

Mission: Empty Creche
Posted on 07 Sep 2022 @ 8:43am by Captain Gabriel Barron M.D. & PALLAS


Barron sat in the command chair. His eyes locked on the displays.

"Con, dead stop. Reorient us to reduce the time the shuttles have to maneuver to get in landing bays. Once we have green lights from all birds plot the fastest course back to Sol." he looked over his shoulder "Marines, send general recall to all CAP fighters. Get the birds back in the nest."

He paused a moment to hear the confirmation of his orders and watched as the Redemption pivoted to bring it's shuttle bays to open for the incoming shuttles. He watched as the blue…

Latest Personal Logs

» A New Transfer

Posted on 05 Mar 2020 @ 1:46pm by Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn

Well, I am gettign closer to my end goals I suppose, though I have to admit the journey thus far has been an interesting one to say the very least. My ship the Odyssey has finally limped back into Starbase and I can finally fully rest tonight, for the first time in weeks I won't have some alarm or other blaring in my ear as I do everything I can to hold the structural integrity fields and ship together despite its horrific damage.

We are home, back on Earth at long last. I received new orders upon reaching my apartment,…