After mission Jubilee
Posted on 16 Aug 2024 @ 8:24am by Lieutenant Commander Magdalena "Maggie" Doyl & Captain Gabriel Barron M.D. & Lieutenant Colonel Cassandra Blackburn & Lieutenant Colonel Keisha Afton & Lieutenant Commander Geraldine "Geri" Severide & Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn & Lieutenant Mikail Kolmak & Petty Officer 1st Class Lia McCarthy
1,509 words; about a 8 minute read
Voices from the Dark
Location: Captain's Mess
Timeline: Day 1 of Return
Barron had called all senior staff who were able to join to report to his mess for a 0730 breakfast. He wanted to start a new tradition on ship where all senior officers had at least one meal with him. He wanted these meals to be informal affairs which is why he took his uniform jacket off and only wore his crimson undershirt. He moved to the buffet table that was laid out before him and picked up a plate pulling various protines from the assembled food and placing them on his plate.
Sarah arrived early; dressed in her uniform pants though she had yet to put on her jacket and was still wearing her cerulean nightgown, having tucked it into her pants. She entered and yawned, heading straight for the coffee and then preparing herself a couple of bagels lox before taking a seat and greeting the captain. "G'mornin, Cap'n" came the half awake mumble; it being clearly evident she had gotten up earlier than her normal time to ensure she could come to the breakfast before going through her regular morning routine to be on shift on time.
Barron grinned and his baritone voice rumbled. "Please at these meals call me Gabriel. And good morning." He placed his plate on the table and looked at the silverware and various glasses laid out in front of him. He turned over a cup for coffee and pressed a button on the table to have prune juice delivered.
The Acting Chief Medical Officer, Mikail Kolmak, entered and grabbed a cup of coffee and took a seat. He was groggy at the moment and kept quiet due to his mood.
Blackburn entered the room slowly, cautiously, in a simple duty uniform. She was expecting that she was in trouble with the Captain yet again and was about to be ambushed for a dressing down. She saw the others already present and narrowed her eyes, realizing that it was unlikely they would be there if there was a nefarious reason for the invite. Regardless, she skirted the edge of the room deliberately to prevent instigating conversation and took a plate from the table, scanning the available food items in front of her.
Maggie liked mornings, and she liked the idea of a group breakfast. She'd left her jacket behind, but still carried her standard belt knife. She greeted everyone with a cheerful "good morning," before going to the buffet table to see what was available. She selected bacon, eggs, blueberry pancakes, and milk, then found a place to sit.
Barron watched as Blackburn entered the room and nodded as he saw the cautiousness with which she entered. His voice boomed as he spoke her name. "Cassandra, welcome to breakfast. Grab a plate and have a seat!" the very Klingon jubilance in his voice echoed in the room the mission was over and they had completed it flawlessly. He was pleased and it showed. "Same for you Maggie! Come, come, eat!"
Keisha entered the room, her entire posture subdued but she wasn't the shadow of herself she'd been prior. Her eyes at least were bright. A tune was weaving its way through her mind, and she notated a bit once she'd seated herself at the table. The bacon smell wore through and she rose again to get herself a plate.
Barron grinned as more of his senior staff entered the mess. "Ah Keisha, come in and get food! We dine well today! The children will soon be back with their parents and we did well!!"
Nicole Sheridan entered the mess hall, grabbed her meal from the replicator and immediately sat at a table in the corner on her own. At this point, she wasn't sure who she could trust or if she could trust anyone all at. Whatever was going on on this ship, it was a web of twisted fiction. A Commanding Officer disappearing into the high ranks of Starfleet Intelligence, A chief of Intelligence who disappeared without anyone acknowledging, including her own department. It made no sense and was the embodiment of all the stories she had read as a child for entertainment, except now she was part of it. Until she started to piece things together, she wanted to remain the proverbial gray man and sit back as an observer.
Blackburn placed a few items onto her plate and sat quietly down as to not draw attention. She picked at the food slowly, watching the captain carefully as he spoke to the doctor. She wasn't sure what to make of this - social events were not her natural environment.
Having seated herself near Captain Barron she gave a stifled yawn and had to catch the piece of bagel that attempted to run away as it fell from her mouth and she gave a soft chuckle. "Sorry Cap; way too early for me but I really don't mind these breakfasts; honestly I like the idea.... just wish that we didn't have to try and coordinate these sorts of things so damned early" she paused, taking a bite and then looking at Barron directly and deadpan staring at him as she spoke again. "Haven't you heard that time isn't real until 1000 Hours exactly?"
Gabriel looked at the Lieutenant beside him and grinned "Of course I've heard of 1000 hours Lieutenant Graesyn and that life doesn't start until then, but we do need to give the night shift officers a chance to join us. 1000 would be about rem sleep for them." he chuckled "But I do feel your pain, have a good cup of coffee. This is a celebration that we made it through the last mission and completed it quite well! We bearded the lion in his own den and made it back out with our prizes! If I was raised on Qo'noS instead of Texas I'd say this gives us all great glory to ourselves and our houses. As I was, in fact, raised in Texas I'll say hot damn we pulled it off!"
Gabe grinned as he looked at the gathered officers raised his glass.
"To the ship and crew that completed a difficult mission and made it home to sing the tale!" He took a deep drink and sat the glass down. "As such I hear we will reach Earth Space Dock in a few hours. I am going to authorize leave and request a skeleton crew to stay aboard. Any volunteers?"
Maggie drank her toast and then raised a hand. "I'll stay." She didn't like wandering around by herself and she had no one to go with, so staying behind was the most logical choice.
Gabe grinned as his hand came down "Excellent! We have a volunteer! Anyone else? I assure you I will make certain you are relieved to get some time on Earth."
Maggie grinned back. "I'm happy with some quiet time and a book, if others want to see family."
Lia groggily made it to the mess hall to grab some coffee in an attempt to wake herself after a horrible night of unrestful sleep.
Gabe grinned as the groggy Petty Officer entered the room. "Come come join us!" He banged the table "Eat your fill and revel in our victory over the enemy!"
Gabe laughed as he began to eat. Looking over the officers around him he realized the crew of the Redemption had been the sharp end of the spear since the Civil War had started. They needed time to laugh and relax, to remember why they fought and for whom. He prayed that they would get the chance to do just that. Though the sickbay full of Star Fleet children, he thought, fulfilled some of that. His mind drifted as he calculated his long it would be before they arrived at Earth.
"I too shall remain aboard, sir." Sheridan replied as she was intrigued by the Security Chief stepping up to the proverbial plate first. With most of the crew on the planet, she wondered if perhaps she could use the opportunity to probe the Chief's knowledge on her troublesome subject. Regardless of how the Chief answered, it would enlighten her as to how deep this ruse ran through the crew.
What worried her was that maybe she was the odd woman out.
Gabe beat the table in a mix of country exuberance and Klingon zeal. "Excellent! Excellent! We will, of course, rotate crew out on skeleton status to give those that stay behind time to go ashore. So no need to worry about missing out. Now eat everyone, we are victorious!" Gabe lifted a glass of coffee and nodded to Cassandra "You did well Colonel, you should be proud of your accomplishments in retrieving the children!"
Lieutenant Commander Magdalena (Maggie) Doyl
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Lieutenant Nicole Sheridan (PNPC)
Acting Chief Intelligence Officer
Played by: Lt. Cmdr Severide
Lieutenant Mikail Kolmak, MD
Petty Officer First Class Lia Mccarthy
Crypto/Security Intelligence
Captain Gabriel Barron, M.D.
Commanding Officer
Major Keisha Afton
Acting XO
Lieutenant Colonel Cassandra Blackburn
Marine CO