
New Assignments

Posted on 13 Jan 2025 @ 3:11am by Fleet Admiral Sho'Thor & Captain Gabriel Barron M.D.

907 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Voices from the Dark
Location: Star Fleet Headquarters, Earth
Timeline: Day 0, 1145


Sho'Thor sat behind his desk, the desk he had grown tired of all those years ago when he decided to retire. He placed his hand on the desk and rubbed his palm over the highly polished wood. He picked up a PADD pressed his thumb to the reader and moved it to the out box on his desk. One thing about bureaucracy, there would always be paperwork. He watched as the overhead projector updated the location of the Federation's forces and the projected fighting power of the 6th fleet. They had lost another, with the loss of the Atonement and Battle Group Trinity Star Fleet's ships were getting thinner and thinner. Their stable of competent commanders were growing thinner as well. They were forcing new ships out at a break neck pace but they didn't have Captains seasoned enough to be able to command them properly. He turned his chair around to look out at the devastated landscape that was San Francisco after the terrorist attacks. There was so much that still hadn't been repaired. He was privy to the knowledge that the President had been killed by a virus created specifically for her, and he was unsure as to exactly what would befall the Federation now. His musings were interrupted by the buzzing at his door letting him know that someone was there.

"Come." was his only response as he continued to look out over the city he had known so well.

Gabriel Barron entered the Admiral's office, his moved to the front of the desk and stood at attention, waiting for the senior officer to acknowledge his presence. After all it was the Admiral that had summoned the Captain away from his ship while it was just hours away from being ready to come out of dry dock.

"At ease Captain, if you stand any straighter I will have to send you to medical for fear of your spine snapping." Thor said as he turned his chair and nodded to the officer. "Please sit. I will be blunt Captain, I have summoned you here today to give you your orders." Thor paused and picked up a PADD, looked at it, nodded and pushed it across the desk to Barron.

Gabe took the PADD and looked at it reading the orders quickly and his brow furrowed. "Sir, this, this would be better handled by one of our diplomatic or science ships."

Thor nodded "It would but they would not be able to reach the location in time. Look at the coordinates, it is on the other side of the Ferengi Alliance's territory. Outside of their control and the explored section of the alpha quadrant by several thousand light years. The Redemption is the only ship with a functioning transwarp drive that has a chance to reach those coordinates in time. As such it falls to you and your crew to get there, assess the situation and render whatever aid you can. This civilization has the technology to be able to send a plea for help at faster than light speeds. If they have that technology they may have other technology that will assist us in the war effort. If we can secure their assistance."

Gabe placed the PADD on Thor's desk and nodded "I, I still feel that another ship would be better to send sir." Gabe paused "Do we have time to finish repairs on the Redemption or do we need to do an emergency recall?"

Thor answered "You have time to finish the repairs. It would take that much time to get your personnel and supplies on the ship before you could break orbit. You should also know that Admiral Ashcart will be making the Redemption his flagship and will be going out with you. You have overall command of the mission, he will be conducting his business from the Redemption as..." Thor paused "Captain what I am about to tell you does not leave this office." the Admiral pressed a button and the lights dimmed, the windows went dark and a soft hum could be heard at the edge of one's hearing "Star Fleet Headquarters, I fear, is not safe. There have been incidents and Ashcart would be safter on the move until we are able to ferret out exactly what has been happening here at HQ."

As the Admiral finished talking Gabe sat back in his chair. He had feared there was something going on at Earth. A Captain isn't just breveted up to two ranks to Rear Admiral and plopped in command of the Intelligence Division without something major going wrong. No matter how well qualified the person is. Gabe began rearranging quarters in his mind, thinking the Admiral will take the Stateroom which meant that his wife, Major Afton would also likely be moving to that room as well.

Gabe nodded "Very well Admiral. When can I expect the Admiral aboard?"

"He should be arriving a few hours before you are scheduled to depart. I would suggest Captain that you use him as a resource should you need it." Thor said deadpan.

Gabe nodded "I assure you sir, I will. Is that all?"

"It is Captain, you are dismissed. God speed." Thor said as he pressed the button on the desk that reversed the lockdown and would allow Barron to exit the office.


Fleet Admiral
Chief of Star Fleet Operations


Gabriel Barron
Commanding Officer
USS Redemption



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