Past Dream, Again
Posted on 29 Apr 2018 @ 9:35pm by Lieutenant Mikail Kolmak
594 words; about a 3 minute read
Errand of Mercy
Location: Kolmak's quarters
Timeline: ED 8 0630
Darkness again.
The memory of the planet: Esmertas. The memory of USS Hampton away team, five humanoids with Klingon ridges, and the flying wasps, known as the Emers. The attack was unexpected as several lights of phaser fire were shooting in every directions. The action of it was moving too fast to keep track of who is shooting at who and where.
He heard the security officer said, "Sh*t, Mikail! A spear hit your back..." Then he heard John said, "hurry. We need to go!"
Mikail remembered the pain he felt and the numbness and tingling in his lower extremities. A spear? He turned his head before he passed out, seeing an Emer flying with a tail pointing his direction and knew that it was the stinger of its tail that just hit him. That's not a spear... He saw other Emers were holding spears.
The doctor felt the tug as John pulled him inside the shuttlecraft moments before pulling the woman in. He couldn't move at all and his body became paralyzed. Darkness enveloped him.
A light appeared and he found himself floating above his body as he watched his friend put the ship on automatic, letting it fly to the ship's coordinates, and trying to revive his lifeless body. Did I really died? He continued to watch John resuscitating him with chest compressions and breathing for him. The flight control officer stopped to grasp his med-kit and opened it to pull out the cardiac hypospray. He immediately jabbed the instrument into his neck. "Mikail! Wake up, buddy! You can't leave me!"
Back in his body, Mikail took a harsh breath of air and looked straight at his friend's eyes. "Wh-"
"Don't move. I believe you have broken your back...don't know what is keeping you alive right now, but I saved you."
The doctor was afraid to move even if half of his body is paralyzed. The memories of the stinger into his back flooded him. The pain became excruciating, quickly. "John," he said slowly. "You must...," he paused because of the pain, "give me a painkiller. I...". He felt the darkness was beginning to take his consciousness and he fought with it to stay awake. "Too much pain. STAT!"
John jumped into action to dig through the kit to pull out another hypospray containing the analgesic and narcotic mixed. He immediately injected it into Mikail's neck and sat back to watch him.
Doctor Kolmak grasped John's arm. "Jordan Gandy?"
"I'm sorry. She is long gone...dead. The others are dead. It is just me and you. I've got the shuttle on auto to get us back to the ship."
He let go of John's arm. The medicine was taking effect as the pain was slightly subsiding. The pain was still there but not as excruciating. His mind was becoming loopy. "I'm in ecstasy land."
"The what? Oh...," he chuckled. "You're relaxed in the la, la land."
Too relaxed to know which language came out of his mouth. "Yego prezhde vsego: dlya sebya"
"In English...?"
"His above all: to thine own self be true. Shakespeare."
The dashboard beeped and he stood up to read the shuttlecraft's monitors. He called USS Hampton as it was in communication range to request an emergency team to meet in the cargo bay to prepare for his friend. "Well, we are almost there, Mikail. Keep dreaming your la, la land."
Darkness took over.
Mikail Kolmak, M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Redemption