Fix Ma Back
Posted on 13 Oct 2019 @ 5:19pm by Lieutenant Mikail Kolmak & Captain Gabriel Barron M.D. & Lieutenant Colonel Keisha Afton
1,676 words; about a 8 minute read
Empty Creche
Location: Mikail Kolmak's Quarters
Timeline: ED1 2230 (Backpost before part 2)
Mikail has had enough of his back pain. The increase of nightmares and being drugged was becoming a nuisance. More like the saying, the last straw that broke the camel's back. Stress from being in pain is there and he tries to ignore it. Some days, he almost lost control of himself with the buildup of stress. Most of his dreams have been nightmares just about every night. But the recent one had been odd. The new Captain, Doctor Barron, was in it. Somebody has to fix my back. I am not sure to trust him as I don't know him well, as well as a Klingon species digging into my back, he thought.
At least he was off shift at the moment. He picked up the PADD off his furniture in his quarters and searched the Captain's profile and credentials to see if that might ease his mind if he were to get the Captain to do his surgery since the Redemption is not going to swing by, as the English saying goes, to stop at Earth to drop him off. Sub-speciality in Surgery for Critical Care, he read. "Hmm. A lot of hospital work," he said, out loud. Another pain intensified in his lower back, not a usual pain at that location. It is normally in the middle of his back. He removed himself from the sofa chair and did some stretching to see if the pain will go away on its own. There was no luck. His mind refuses to see that Klingon doing surgery but his body is telling him he needs something done NOW.
Just as he walked to the replicator to get some water, stabbing pain to his right side and his neck knocked the breath out of him and he nearly fell over. His right hand to the wall broke his fall and he bent over a little with his head down. His left hand went to his right side and he rubbed it. Realizing that his back must have cracked and shifted the bones of his ribs, causing one or two to poke his lungs. Not a good sign, but dangerous to his lungs if it punctures it. He did not move but stayed in that position like a statue. He tapped his combadge after he inhaled a good amount of air.
=^= Doctor Kolmak to Captain Barron. This is an emergency =^=
=/\=Barron here, Doctor what is the emergency, do I need to head to sickbay?=/\= Barron asked looking up from his desk that was littered with PADDs. He was up and moving towards the doors to his ready room as he spoke.
Mikail took a few breaths. =^= I can't move and my back cracked. Emerg...ency to my quart...ers. =^=
Barron broke into a quick jog his mind slipped into a doctor's mentality. =/\=I'll be there in just a moment.=/\= he tapped the combadge closing the link then tapping it again =/\=Barron to transporter room 1 transport me site to site to Dr. Kolmak's quarters.=/\= after a few seconds Barron disappeared from the turbolift and into Kolmak's quarters. He scanned the area and found the man standing next to the replicator. "Hold still Doctor." he pulled a medical tricorder from a hidden pocket and waved it over his body. He found the hairline fracture and then found what was really happening. "Doctor you need surgery, hold on." he tapped his combadge again =/\=Barron to transporter room one, two to transport directly to sickbay.=/\= the two men disappeared and reappeared in the brightly lit sickbay.
Mikail has broke out sweating before he was transported out of his quarters. The wall that he was supporting himself against has disappeared. He grasped onto the Captain, trying not to cause more damage to his back. "I'm having trouble," he paused to take several short breaths to prevent a rib from puncturing his lung, "breathing." He closed his eyes due to the wave of dizziness.
A nurse saw the two men appeared after they were announced for an emergency didn't expect to be the Assistant Chief Medical Officer. Seeing that it was Doctor Kolmak himself is the problem, "What in God's name is wrong with him?"
Still clinging to the Captain with his eyes closed, Mikail answered softly, "Ma back."
Barron grunted, "Get the back stabilizers and engage them. He needs to be kept as still as possible while we get him on the biobed. He has a broken rib that is pressing against his left lung and he needs immediate surgery. Please inform the CMO."
"Yes, Doctor Barron," the nurse said as she walked off quickly. She returned to place the stabilizers to Mikail's back.
Doctor Kolmak doesn't seem to be aware of what is going on because of the pain. His consciousness is barely holding on while hearing the orders between the Klingon and the nurses. "Save ma back," he said before the darkness overtook him into a dream again. "Jordan! John! Victor!" He screamed. "Run!"
Keisha walked in, quiet on her feet in a brightly patterned pair of shorts in white blue and brown and a tank top in the same blue. All of her rippling scars and tattoos were fully visible and she for once cared not one lick that they could be seen. She was tying her hair back as she heard him cry out for Jordan, John and Victor. "Get him under anasthesia before he starts to fight you" she ordered as she came up beside the captains shoulder to look at the readouts.
"Yes, ma'am." The nurse stepped away from the biobed to set up the hypospray and returned. She touched the instrument to the side of Doctor Kolmak's neck.
The nightmare in Mikail's dream turned to him seeing his home in Russia. He saw himself as seventeen years old walking out in the fields picking different flowers for herbs. He saw his best friend, Kusha, walking up to him. In Russian, he said, "Hello, Mikail. What are you doing? Picking flowers for girls in school?" He chuckled. "No," he said. "These are herbs for medicinal purposes. My mother gets headaches from time-to-time and we live too far from a doctor to help her. I help others, too. They didn't believe me at first until they try it." Moscow is 50 kilometers, he thought. "Oh," Kusha said. "We are almost done with school. What are your plans afterward?" Mikail let out a sigh, "I prefer to be a healer." Kusha nudged him with his hand, "Why don't you join Starfleet? Go into medicine..."
Gabe looked at Keisha. "He called me, I found him in pain in his quarters unable to move. When I ran a scan over him it was apparent that one of his ribs had become loosed from his sternum and was pressing against his lung." He offered the tricorder to Keisha as he spoke. "The more I triaged him the more it became apparent that he needs surgery on his lower back. The muscles there have been spasming which has caused increased stress on his spine." He trailed off as he remembers he wasn't authorized to practice medicine on the Redemption. "I.. will leave this in your capable hands, Doctor."
"Computer, reinstate full medical privileges, Captian Gabriel Barron MD, USS Redemption. Authorization Afton31River" She fixed him with a look of amusement. "Want to scrub in Captain?"
Gabe grinned winningly, "I would indeed Doctor. Primary or secondary?" he asked moving to a sonic sterilization station to get ready for surgery.
"Have you performed this type of reconstructive surgery before?" She asked as she took a bone scan and gazed at the shattered vertebrae on the screen.
He nodded "Several times on ESD and while serving at Walter Reed." he allowed the assisting nurse to wrap him in surgical scrubs and the crimson mask.
"You can take lead then." She said handing over the scalpel tray
He blinked and nodded looking up at the readouts that were coming in on the display above the biobed where Dr. Kolmak lay. "First I would say we need to go in and reattach the rib so that he doesn't puncture a lung while we work on reconstructing the vertebrae and reattach the musculature."
Amused at his surprise Keisha merely assumed the secondary position. "Lift the rib and see what damage it did first? The whole body of the vertebrae itself looks like it began to degenerate from the initial trauma."
He nodded "Excellent suggestion." he made the proper incision and lifted the rib. There was some minor bruising from where the rib had rubbed against the lung but nothing serious. He ran a regenerator over the lung after he had reattached the rib to the sternum.
Still in the dream which switched scenarios, Mikail found himself running across the fields of wheat. He turned to look to see what he was running from. Emers!! The insectoids were similar to wasp but at a bigger size, but a lot bigger in his dream that he has no idea he is dreaming. He counted five of them chasing him. Mikail turned to see if there was anything he could use to hide from them. There was nothing but an endless field.
Barron watched the display as he continued to work, this time closing the incision to get to Mikail's chest cavity he motioned for the man to be turned on his back where the real issue could be addressed. Barron's eyes flicked up to the readout and he nodded to himself as he made a new incision and began to reconstruct the vertebrae.
Mikail took off running after one has stung him in the back. His heart rate raced as he tried to escape.
The surgery continued until it came to the end when things were completed. The doctor was moved to an ICU area.
Mikail Kolmak, M.D.
ACMO & Surgeon
Gabriel Barron, M.D.
Commanding Officer
Keisha Afton, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer