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Posted on 28 May 2016 @ 5:24pm by Commander Rhyan & Rear Admiral Azura Ashcart & Lieutenant Commander Sular Ferreno & Lieutenant Commander Alexei Joran & Lieutenant Commander Magdalena "Maggie" Doyl & Lieutenant Commander Geraldine "Geri" Severide & Lieutenant Colonel Keisha Afton & Lieutenant Colonel Cassandra Blackburn

2,220 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Errand of Mercy
Location: USS Redemption, Bridge
Timeline: ED2 1800


Azura sat in the center chair of the bridge as he looked over the last reports to flow in from all sections of the ship. It was growing close to time to launch the Redemption for the first time in six months. He was looking forward to this mission, to get his mind and his crew back to work, and this... this was a mission that was closer to why he joined Starfleet and not fighting. The war that was raging around them was taking it's toll on his crew, on his wife and on him. He sighed softly as his mind followed the course of events that had brought them here. From the death of the Federation President, to the Romulan exodus from their home system, to the disastrous effects of the transwarp experiment, to the destruction of the Federation Senate and his capture and torture, then to the reclamation of the Redemption.

"Commander, please make ready to depart the system."

Rhyan glanced up from the science console, and responded, "Yes, Captain."

He tapped a few commands into the user-interface in front of him and then stood up and walked down from the science station to the executive officer's station. Logging on to the armrest console, Rhyan issued multiple orders to the rest of the ship to prepare them for departure. As green slowly filled the small screen, Rhyan spoke out once again. "All departments reporting readiness, Captain."

"Mr. Ferreno, please contact dry dock control and have the moorings cut."

"Contacting..." Ferreno had his fingers running over the control systems. "The Flight Control is clearing the exit route..." he adjusted the console settings a bit. "Moorings are clear and we are reported as being cleared to navigate..." He glanced to the Helm Station. "Flight plan being forwarded to the Helm Station." He then glanced up and over his shoulder. "Command bids us good sailing."

Azura nodded at Ferreno's comment from command and continued as he looked up slightly from the viewscreen and addressed engineering. "Bridge to Engineering." he paused a beat to be acknowledged.

"Engineering here..." Commander Joran answered.

"Bring the reactors and warp core online and make ready to go to warp upon departure from system."

"Aye aye Captain..." Joran answered quickly. The warp core had already been brought up and placed on standby in anticipation of getting under way. "Everything is on standby and operating nominally. We'll be ready when you give the word."

"Bridge to Marine HQ, please be make ready for departure."

There was a hesistant pause, before a nervous male voice answered. "Uh, Lieutenant Roberts here, Sir. The Major isn't in the CP but, uh, the flight deck and munition magazines are locked down ready for departure." Another awkward pause. "All personnel are accounted for."

"Very well Lieutenant, thank you for your report." There was a hint of sadness in his voice only someone who knew him would pick up on.

Azura leaned back in the center chair and watched, he had been in a command capacity on one ship or another for almost two decades and it still marveled him at how a few words from one person could cause a ship to move. He wondered for a moment as the starfield before them changed and the grey metal of the dry docks glimmered as it shifted in the viewscreen, if they were not blessed creatures.

Ferreno had his attention as he started to change the settings for the resource management; by now the main systems were on line, replicators were more active and it was his duty to manage the resources as they were needed, the sensor grid would be the most wanted resource once the ship had cleared the system's outer marker. The Science Department would have a majority of of the sensory systems timetables but the Navigational Chartings would have to make the readings for charting the course and relay that information to the Astrometerics Section and the data stream. He had his points to continue his readings of the systems to make adjustments along the way.

Azura verified that they were clear of space dock and grinned half to himself. "Helm take us out of the system at three quarter impulse." He again looked up to speak to engineering.

"Bridge to Engineering, what is the best possible speed we can achieve at the moment?" Azura wanted to shake down the Redemption's engines, it had after all been six months since she had been in free space and he wanted to make sure she still had her magic.

"I can give you warp 7 now, Captain..." Joran answered. "Warp 9 in an emergency, but I wouldn't recommend it if we can avoid it until we've run this system in for a while--and not for long even in an emergency."

"Thank you commander." Azura said as he turned his attention back to the helmsman. "Once we reach the nav buoy set a course for the Hadronus system, warp 7."

The helmsman nodded as she worked the controls. The large ship reversed than begain to pivot as the Earth below dissappeared off of the viewscreen. Being replaced momentarily by the moon and Luna base clearly visible as they passed and headed out of the system.

The planets slipped by quietly as they progressed towards the systems edge. Azura felt the thrum of the engines as they moved. When they reached the buoy he felt for half a heartbeat, the impulse engines cut off before the warp core created the bubble that would allow them to travel faster than light.

Ferreno kept monitoring the ship's progress, the power grid was the thing to keep the most under scrutiny as it was just out of the docks and if there were glitches then this was the time to make note of them; under more 'strained' conditions might not be the best time to find faults with the grid as a whole or even in some of the sub-systems. He had the allotment of the sensors being monitored and the glimpses for Astrometrics to allow the course planning as well as down loads from the Federation Data network via the subspace bouy that they approached to get a last reading before the ship goes into open space.

"Engineering to Bridge. We're at warp 7 captain, and everything is green across the board here. She looks good to go." Joran was especially proud of the way his engineers had handled everything. The Redemption was at warp and she felt as smooth as silk.

Keisha had slipped silently onto the bridge, keeping her back against the bulkhead next to the turbolift door. The last time she'd done so, she'd had a raging panic attack, but even with her heart hammering in her chest she managed to stay on the bridge as the planets of Sol passed them by. It was a beautiful sight.

Cut to: Intelligence Operations Center

The operations center of the Redemption's Intelligence department was silent as several members worked at their stations compiling data from communications and reports around the sector. This silence was interrupted by the swish of the doors opening as a tall blonde entered the area adorned in a tight jumpsuit hugging all of the woman's ample curves. Her bleach blonde hair was tied neatly back into a ponytail giving others full view of her ruby red lips and steel blue eyes which were now surveying the room.

A senior enlisted member approached the woman curious as to how she gained access to the area and why she was here. "Can I help you miss?" The senior chief inquired.

"Commander." Geri quipped looking around. "Situational awareness is key in our line of work Chief, I'd recommend you get some practice."

"I'm not sure I understand ma'am." The chief asked somewhat bewildered by the woman's comment.

"I am Lieutenant Commander Severide, had you known this you would be giving me an update on our readiness level instead of asking questions." Geri replied flatly as she stared down the chief crossing her arms over her chest.

The Chief immediately came to attention as he realized whom he was addressing. "Pardon me Commander. It won't happen again. The department stands ready, we are monitoring communications within the sector and several reports of noteworthy events are on your desk for your review."

"Very good. Now, I may be a bitch but I'm no drill sergeant. If I need your heels together you'll know it. Continue as you were, keep me apprised should find something requiring my attention." Geri replied as her eyes shifted off the Chief surveying once again.

The Chief relaxed his stance letting out a deep breath. "Understood Commander."

"As you were." She stated as she walked past the Chief towards her office.

Cut to: Security Department

Maggie was relieved to be on board. Finding her belongings neatly stacked in her quarters, to be sorted out later, eased one of her worries. Walking into the security department to see a wall filled with viewscreens focused on key areas of the ship and a list of names of the members of her department and where they were assigned, eased another. There would be planty of chaos in the days and months to come, having an organized base of operations would make dealing with that chaos easier.

"Can I help you?" a young officer said, turning to face Maggie.

"Yes," she said, smiling at the Ensign. "Where is the Chief's office?"

"It's in the back," he said, "But the Chief isn't in."

"She is now," Maggie replied, smiling more when the young Ensign stood at attention and saluted. "At ease. Salute the Captain. All I ask is a little respect. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to get settled in my office. Is there anything I need to be aware of right away?"

"I don't think so, ma'am," he said. "Reports are on your desk."

"Thank you, Ensign...?"

"Cody. Dallas Cody, ma'am."

"Thank you, Ensign Cody. Relax, I do not bite." She smiled again and walked into her office to get started on her reports.

Cut to: Bridge

Rhyan's eyes lifted from the armrest console and he turned to his commanding officer, and friend, to alert him to the good news. "All departments reporting no issues, Captain. It seems that the Corps of Engineers did a good job repairing and refitting the ship. Maybe," he continued to speak directly to Ashcart, a sheepish grin appearing on his face, "Starfleet have even managed to repair that damned transwarp drive. Not that I am in any rush to activate that particular piece of equipment again."

Azura snorted. "They don't have the best track record with experimental tech, so let's not pull that wild magic out unless were truly desperate."

"Ye of little faith," Rhyan responded, completely in agreement with Ashcart that the transwarp drive could remain inactive unless the need arose. The repercussions of their last attempt to use the drive were still very raw for the longstanding members of thew crew, but in the back of his mind the Vulcan knew that it could be an ace up their sleeve if ever they needed it. Just so long as the ship never fell into enemy hands again.

Glancing around the bridge, it pleased Rhyan to see the ship back to full functionality and the crew together once again. As enjoyable as his time on Earth had been, it was exhilarating to be in deep space and exploring; even if he suspected that what was waiting for them on Hadronus was more than a simple case of viral influenza. His major concern was not for the virus itself, but for the likely mechanism by which the virus found itself on Hadronus in the first place. Was it the Confederacy? Or Sixth Fleet? Or, the most worrying possibility of them all, the Ee Hybrid herself?

The Vulcan continued to sit and oversee the operation of the ship, but he knew that he could only savour his return to the command lifestyle for a short time before his science duties - and personal mission to help Zal - would have to draw him below decks and into the world he was most comfortable and familiar with. Perhaps, when the mission was over, he would get around to looking at a formal replacement for Sarah as his assistant chief of science - at least until the time came to make the difficult decision to switch his teal turtleneck for a red one. Thankfully, for the time being, that decision was not on the horizon any time soon; Ashcart thankfully seen to that.

On the view screen, star streaked by like multicoloured strands of angel-hair. It would not be long before they reached Hadronus and their mission-proper would begin. What the future held for them, only fate could tell.

OOC: Resent due to the website resetting and going back a few days.

Captain Azura Ashcart
Commanding Officer
USS Redemption

& Commander Rhyan
Executive Officer / Chief Science Officer
USS Redemption

Major Keisha Afton
Chief Medical Officer
USS Redemption

& Lieutenant Commander Alexei Joran
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Redemption

& Major Cassandra Blackburn
Marine Detachment Commander
USS Redemption

& Lieutenant Commander Magdalena "Maggie" Doyl
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Redemption

& Lieutenant Commander Sular Ferreno
Chief of Operations
USS Redemption

& Lieutenant Commander Geraldine "Geri" Severed
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Redemption


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